Reasons to Consider Air Conditioning Replacement

If you find yourself calling in an HVAC technician for repair after repair, it might be time to consider replacing your unit. A newer unit will better keep you cool, use less energy, and reduce your utility bills.

Air Conditioning Replacement

Be sure your new system is appropriately sized for your home. An incorrectly matched system will reduce operating efficiency and decrease its lifespan. Visit to learn more.

The cost of replacing an air conditioner will vary depending on the equipment brand, make and model, as well as any additional upgrades. The price will also be affected by your home’s size, and if you need to have new ductwork installed in your home. It is important to get several quotes from HVAC professionals so that you can compare prices and find the best deal.

Another factor to consider is the age of your current AC system. If it is nearing the end of its lifespan, or if your energy bills are rising steadily, it might be worth investing in an AC replacement.

When it comes to deciding whether to repair or replace an air conditioning system, the general rule is that you should never spend more than 50% of the unit’s value on repairs. This will give you a good idea of when it is time to replace the system.

If you are not sure how to determine the age of your AC system, you can always have a professional from King Heating and Cooling take a look at it. They can help you decide if it is worth repairing the system or investing in an air conditioning replacement.

The cost of a new air conditioner will also depend on the size of your home and how many BTUs it needs to be cooled. Your comfort consultant will be able to help you determine how many BTUs your home needs by measuring its square footage and looking for air leaks.

Having the ductwork in your home repaired and sealed is essential for proper air circulation. If your ducts are old and leaky, it will be more expensive to install a new air conditioner because the new system will have to work harder to cool your home.

In addition to ductwork costs, there will also be the cost of hauling away and disposing of the old unit. Some companies will include this in the installation of a new air conditioner, but others charge separately. The cost will also vary by location and if your city or state requires you to get a permit.

Energy Efficiency

The old air conditioner in your home is probably costing you a lot of money in electricity bills. It takes a huge amount of energy to cool your home during the summer months, and replacing it with an efficient new model will make a big difference in lowering these energy costs.

The energy efficiency of your AC system can be measured with its Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio (SEER) rating. The higher the SEER, the more efficient the AC unit is. Newer models are required to have a minimum SEER of 14, and many are available with a SEER rating as high as 24.

Aside from the obvious reduction in energy costs, a new air conditioning unit will provide you with many other benefits, including a quieter operation. This is due to the compressor technology improvements that have made it possible for the new units to run efficiently without producing as much noise as older units.

Newer systems are also more environmentally friendly, which will increase your home’s resale value should you choose to sell in the future. As energy prices continue to rise, having an efficient air conditioner that uses less power will be beneficial in helping you keep your utility bills under control.

Another benefit of an energy-efficient air conditioner is its ability to dehumidify your home more effectively. This will help reduce the growth of mold and mildew, which in turn will reduce allergens in your home. The new systems can also be more easily maintained, and you will be able to keep your thermostat set at a cooler temperature for longer periods of time. Keeping your air filter clean and scheduling regular maintenance will also help improve the efficiency of your new AC unit.


Today’s air conditioning systems are significantly safer for the environment than those produced even ten years ago, due to new refrigerants that don’t use ozone-depleting chlorofluorocarbons and improved energy efficiency. Whenever possible, it is best to save the environment by limiting your use of air conditioning. If you do need to air condition your home, consider using exhaust fans during activities that produce moisture (cooking, bathing and washing) and by drying clothes outdoors or by opening windows for ventilation. This will also help to lower humidity levels, making your air conditioner work less hard. It will keep you cool and comfortable.


Your new air conditioning system likely came with a warranty, which is a guarantee to protect you from faulty equipment. This warranty is a great thing for homeowners and can save you thousands of dollars over the lifespan of your equipment. However, there are several things that can void this agreement. Here are six of them:

Misunderstanding the Length of Coverage

Manufacturer warranties typically include two parts: a part warranty and a labor warranty. The parts warranty is often longer than the labor warranty, which is good for consumers, as it can help to minimize the cost of repair work in the future. It’s important to read the terms and conditions of your particular air conditioner parts warranty and make sure you understand how long it covers your equipment.

You must Register the Product Within a Time Period

Depending on your air conditioning manufacturer and model, you may need to register the product in order to keep your parts warranty valid. Check your warranty manual or contact the company that installed your air conditioner to find out how to register it. You should also be able to look up your unit’s serial number on the manufacturer’s website and determine whether it has been registered.

Most reputable companies will provide you with a warranty registration form when they install an air conditioning unit, and you can also request it from the equipment manufacturer. The serial number is usually a unique code, and you can use it to access user manuals and other documentation.

Circumstances and Events That Void Warranty Protection

Most manufacturers’ warranties exclude damage caused by natural disasters, storms, fire, physical destruction, so-called “acts of God” or electrical surges. While these circumstances can be devastating, they are typically covered by your homeowner’s insurance policy, so it’s a good idea to review your policies before bad weather strikes.

Many homeowners find that a home warranty is a better option than a manufacturer’s warranty. A good home warranty plan will not only offer you a replacement warranty on your air conditioning system but will also cover other appliances and systems in your home. A quality home warranty provider should be able to provide you with all the information you need about its coverage options and terms and conditions.